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All qualifiers must attend two RHAA-sanctioned shows to be eligible to compete at the RHAA National Finals.
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M Bar W RHAA Competition
M Bar W RHAA Competition November 5 | 9 a.m. M Bar W Ranch Arena | Ranger, Texas Judge: Al Thomason & Bozo Rogers RHAA Pattern 4 Contact Judy Thomason to enter at 254-974-7011 or jathorses@yahoo.com. Class Order & Entry Fees Senior - $200 Junior - $200 Ranch Hand - $200 Cowboy - $200…
WRCA Ranch Horse Show
WRCA Ranch Horse Show November 10 & 11 Amarillo, Texas Judges: Mike Seago and Al Thomason RHAA Pattern 1 Books open October 1 and close October 30 ENTER HERE CLASS SCHEDULE AND ENTRY FEES Friday, November 10 | 7 a.m. Wrangler - $150 Ranch Hand - $150 Junior - $150 Senior - $150 Saturday, November…